Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blue Feets

Perry T. Dragonfly flew across the green meadow and came to rest on the gray plateau. As he looked out on the meadow that stretched before him, he thought of his friend Little Billy Cricket. They had spent a lot of time together down by the river at the end of the trail. Billy had told him about the strange things that had been happening here in the green meadow. Like the different colored pools he discovered one day and about the person who had put them there.
"Ow! Ow! Ow..ow..ow..ow..ow..ow..ow..ow..ow..ow..Owie..owie..owie..owie...Youch..yowie..ow..ow.....OW!!!!!"
Little Bobby watched as the centipede ran across the hot sidewalk. "Man, I bet he's got some hot feet! Maybe I should smash him........nah....he's been through enough."
Vito Centipede finally made it across the gray expanse and boy, did his feet hurt. Luckily he had gotten smart about halfway across and only used about fifteen of his feet and kept all the others raised up. " Owie!! These feets are really hurting....I think I'll see if I can find some water."
He walked and walked through the green meadow looking everywhere for some nice cool water to soak his feet in. Shortly he ran across what looked like a big blue pool of water. It was right in the middle of a large flat rock. Even though the rock felt a little warm, at least it wasn't as hot as that area back there. He scrambled up on top of the rock and headed for the inviting blue pool.
The very instant he entered the blue pool he felt that something was not right. This water was very thick and sticky. Vito squirmed around and headed back out as fast as he could. When he was able to free himself from the pool he noticed that now, not only did he have hot burning feet, but they were also quite blue.
"Oh, great!! What the heck did I just step in??" Vito walked back out into the green meadow shuffling his blue feet along the ground trying to wipe off whatever was stuck to them. "Boy," thought Vito, "This is all I need."
Little Billy Cricket was all excited. Not only was today his birthday, but Louise Beetle had told him that if he came over today she would go down to the river with him on a picnic. Little Billy loved going on picnics, especially with someone like Louise. He would bring along some of his mom's aphid pate'.....they could spread it on some nice tasty leaves. Mmmmm, boy! And he knew his mom wouldn't mind making some for him because he was a good little cricket.
Billy couldn't wait to get home and load up on the fixings for his picnic. His little cricket head was in the clouds thinking about that wonderful Louise Beetle. He really had a thing for her. Ever since he first laid eyes on her he had wanted to lay feelers on her. Maybe someday he would get the nerve up to do just that. Billy walked faster and faster towards home.
"BLUE FEET!! I can't believe I have blue feet." Vito looked first to one side and then the other. "All I can see back there is blue feet. Maybe this stuff will wear off, but until it does, I'm going to look pretty stupid. I wish I knew wat this......." WHOOSH!! Over Vitos' head went a large brown object. Vito only caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye, but he knew right away what it was........"BIRD!!!!" Vito yelled. He did a one eighty and was off like a flash. TRAMPLE.. TRAMPLE.."HEY!..WHAT THE...!" TRAMPLE..TRAMPLE.
Little Billy was on his back. He didn't know what had just ran over him, but it had more blue feet than he had ever seen on any creature. In fact he had never seen blue feet on any creature. There must have been a hundred or more. "What the heck kind of bug has blue feet anyway?" Billy pondered. He was totally confused and lay there for quite some time waiting for the dust and his head to clear.
"Hey! This is kind of neat." Looking at the blue pool of crayon that he had melted earlier with the magnifying glass, Little Bobby noticed that something had walked through it and had left little blue footprints on the flat rock he had used.
Perry got goosebumps just thinking about the awful thing that had befallen Vito.

1 comment:

  1. Blue feets. I can just see Vito! Maybe I'll draw his picture! I like this story Tale Teller.
